Category: News

The New Rules of Storytelling

  NYU Stern School of Business, Stern Talks Darren Campo, Adjunct Professor, Media and Technology, discusses the new rules of storytelling from his course, “The Business of Producing”    
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Remember when you found out there was no Santa, tooth fairy, or Easter Bunny? Oh, and remember when you found out that there was no safe place for your money? I remember the fantasy that if I had $100, the best thing I could do was split it up, so that some of it was […]
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THE SHAPE OF STORIES: Is Your Mind Torturing You?

Wisdom for storytelling beyond the hero’s journey   The hero’s journey is the cornerstone of Western storytelling: a person’s quest from bad fortune to happy ending. Everyone wants to get someplace better. Everybody needs relief from misery. This quest is the basic shape of a story: To move from bad-fortune to good-fortune, you have got […]
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Can This Book Cover Raise Your IQ?

Training the mind is not taught in school. Those attempting to govern stressful thoughts fall prey to distractions. Focus is so difficult that a product’s power to distract is related to how much money we pay for it (movies, quarterbacks, drugs). Personal power comes through mastery of thought. The samurai must master their emotions to […]
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A Guide to Returning People From the Afterlife

How close are we to immortality? According to Raymond Kurtzweil, our life spans will increase by more than a year every year around 2030. His reasoning is exponential increase in technology, including biological control. But is aging really a biological function or is it a mental one? There is a big difference in bringing a […]
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Use Science Fiction to Invest and Grow Rich!

Lesson 1:  Warren Buffet vs Bitcoin In March 2014, the usually sanguine Warren Buffet made some disparaging comments about the potential of Bitcoin, which were more or less in line with his usual regard for new technology.  This caused Bitcoin investor Marc Andreessen to reply that, “The historical track record of old white men crapping […]
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